Letters on India The New York Times Did Not Publish

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Letters on India The New York Times Did Not Publish
by M. P. Prabhakaran

Letters on India The New York Times Did Not Publish is a collection of letters the author sent to the paper over three decades. The letters were sent whenever he spotted errors and erroneous assumptions in news articles, editorials, and opinion pieces in the paper.

Very often, personal opinions of writers get accepted as facts, especially by readers who have no expertise in the subjects opined upon. Readers get proper perspectives on those subjects only when they are presented with contrary or variant opinions. Every letter published in this book expresses an opinion that is at variance with what appeared in The Times. Some of them also point out factual errors. In bringing out the book, the author has done a great service to the newspaper-reading public in general and The New York Times readers in particular.

About the Author

Letters on India The New York Times Did Not Publish is the third book authored by M.P. Prabhakaran. The first one, The Historical Origin of Indias Underdevelopment: A World-System Perspective, is an adaptation of his doctoral dissertation. Prabhakaran completed his doctorate in political science at The New School for Social Research, New York. His second book, The World as an Indian Sees It I: What Makes Islamic Turkey Different from Islamist Saudi Arabia, is based on his travels around the world.

Prabhakaran has been in journalism for four decades, starting as a cub reporter in India. After immigrating to the United States in 1975, he worked as editor of The Voice of India, a monthly, and of South Asia Newsspecial, a news and feature syndicate. He also taught political science at the City University of New York, as an adjunct professor, for several years. His articles on travel and comments on current affairs now appear in The East-West Inquirer, an online monthly.

Prabhakaran currently lives in New York.

(2011, paperback, 108 pages)


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