Lost in the Shadows

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Lost in the Shadows
by Randall Eldred

Writing this book about abuse in his growing up years, Randall E. Eldred wasnt able to write everything that happened because the pain was too deep to handle.

Abuse is all around us today. Sometimes being in an abusive relationship can take you down to your lowest point and teach you a lesson. But you can change anything if you keep your feet on the ground and keep moving forward. Randall himself has made some mistakes in his life and done things he never thought he would do. Randalls hope is that after reading this story that people will pick themselves up and get out of an abusive relationship. No one has the right to abuse anyone. Randall hopes that this book will help the reader understand better what abuse can do to a person, both mentally and emotionally.

Thank you and best wishes to all.

About the Author:

Randall E. Eldred, the author of Lost in the Shadows, was born in Vermont. His parents moved to Connecticut and settled into the town of Thomaston when Randall was two years old. Randall is a kindred spirit who has helped out a lot of people while he worked in the medical field for twenty years.

(2015, Paperback, 62 pages)


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