Lyrics/Poetry & Drama Inspired by the Holy Bible & Life's Experiences

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Lyrics/Poetry & Drama Inspired by the Holy Bible & Life's Experiences
by Malisha Deonta Harris

These set of writings are teaching tools for the Christian community. They are directed toward people of all ages. The song lyrics are pieces I hope are recorded in the near future. The poetry and plays are to be performed.

Lyrical Writings
The lyrical writings can be put to music for praise and worship songs and dance. These writings are forms of physical and spiritual expressions of how to praise and worship God.

The Plays
Ruth was devoted to her deceased husbands mother, Naomi. With this devotion, Ruth was blessed to be in Jesus lineage. Esther lost her parents at an early age to become queen for the main purpose of saving her people from death. Our Heavenly Father was uniquely created to appreciate and celebrate Fathers Day using biblical teachings as a guide.

The Poetry
This is the final piece about marriage and the sanctity of it. The author discusses the value of marriage and how husbands and wives should treat each other.

The lyrical writings, poetry, and plays may be of interest to those involved in teaching the Word of God in several of fellowship settings where Christians educational materials are needed.

About the Author

Malisha Deonta Harris was born in High Point, North Carolina. She graduated from High Point Central High School and furthered her education at Winston-Salem State University, receiving her BSN. Her place of employment after receiving her undergraduate degree was Moses Cone Hospital as a novice clinical nurse on a neurology/cardiac inpatient unit. After a long time of strenuous working schedules, she decided to pursue a career in the United States Armed Forces.

In April 2001, she was commissioned in the United States Air Force (USAF). Currently she resides in Eagle River, Alaska, pursing her dreams as an aspiring model, dancer, singer, physician, and writer with her primary job in the Nurse Corp for the USAF as a perniatal/obstetrics clinical nurse at Elmendorf Air Force Base. She recieved her Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) from University of Phoenix in March 2008.

(2009, paperback, 54 pages)


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