Michael's Poetry - Volume 2: Poems of Self-Discipline and Knowledge

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Michael's Poetry - Volume 2: Poems of Self-Discipline and Knowledge
by Michael Harris

The poems that I write have always inspired me to want a better life, in spite of the negativity that surrounds me. They are written as a reflection of the intense emotions I experience, during any event or circumstance that might take place in my life. Being able to write poems and use them as an outlet is a blessing within itself. They are also written to positively affect any person that chooses to read them. And for the people who never believed in me, or will never believe in me now, I would like to say, thank you all for your unintentional motivation.

About the Author

My name is Michael Harris and I am thirty-seven years old. I have an eighteen-year-old son that I love very much. In my lifetime, I plan on making a difference in this world by being the inspiration my son and other people need to see.

I started writing poetry eighteen years ago as a hobby. I had many other hobbies, but I found this one to be more noticeable and rewarding. As I started getting older, my poems turned into my passion. They are also a way for me to relieve any stress that I might have. I hope one day to become better than I am now. Therefore I will continue to write them. And even If I never sell one book, I will continue to be optimistic and reach past the stars.

My life is what I make of it, so I will never give up in believing in myself.

(2012, paperback, 66 pages)


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