Passion for Peace/My Dash - eBook

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Product Overview

Passion for Peace/My Dash

By: Pat Schell

About the Book

Because author Pat Schell understood that we create our own life situations through our very thoughts, she began to probe and search for tools that would allow her to get very clear on this life process.

Therein lies the story behind the book itself: how we implement spiritual tools into our daily lives. She knew that opposites MUST exist in order to move forward and make a life passionate and fulfilled. For how else can we distinguish between what is “GOOD” from what is “BAD”?

More importantly, Pat asked the question: “What is MY PURPOSE in this lifetime?” She came to find out that everyone has the opportunity to choose. We choose our friends, choose our profession, choose our place on this planet that we feel comfortable residing, and, yes, we even choose those we love and those that we don’t! And, for EACH AND EVERY choice, we are held ACCOUNTABLE!

Pat has been a truth seeker for many years. She considers her life as one that remains open and receptive to many new ideas: whether her own or those that are given to her by many friends and acquaintances. She is driven by motivation and inspiration. Many very important events in her life have brought her to a place of compassion and empathy.

Early on, Pat wondered why we focus so much of our attention on our outer circumstances, leaving little or no time to go within. Understanding that we are born into a fearful environment, unless we are willing to face the unknown, it is most likely that THIS will be our way of life!


About the Author

Pat Schell is filled with enthusiasm for life and expresses it in many ways. Pat has spent the majority of her retirement volunteering in many local community outreach programs, along with her husband of 55 years, Richard.

Pat owes her spiritual journey to Unity of Port Richey, Florida, and is deeply involved in all programs that they offer to volunteers. She is quite a special lady and perhaps, some day you will have opportunity to meet her!


(2018, eBook)


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