Product Overview
The Art of Wasting Away
By: Maite Tello
About the Book
A lot of messed up things happen to us
And if you think about it
There are 8 billion different versions of today
This book is just one of them
The raw and honest truth of
What living is
What struggling is
And everything inbetween
All compressed into a short book full of
Long words
The exploitation of the things that eat us alive
And absolutely no rhyming because this isn’t Dr. Seuss
About the Author
Maite Tello was born Santiago, Chile, and moved to Portland, Oregon, when she was seven years old. She is now a senior at a small charter school in Beaverton, Oregon. Next year she will be attending the Honors Program at PSU. She wants to be a pediatric surgeon. She also travels the world, eats kidneys, and chases eels while scuba diving. She’s a sarcastic 18-year-old hipster who really loves doing things that scare her.
(2018, Paperback, 78 pages)