The Book

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The Book
by Tenneh Momolu

This book is a power of God, and it is truly a blessing from God. The Book has true meanings for many parents who have used the book of Proverbs to discipline their children by beating on them. For example; proverbs 23:13, withhold not correction from the child: for if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die. And many parents have used this as the reason to beat their children. This book will let parents know God is love, and he is not the God who recommends parents to beat on their children. This book is true because God revealed many topics by his Spirit for this book.

The book has answers to many problems of this world such as disasters, marital problems, divorce, love, sex, gay and lesbian practices, leadership, heart problems, bankruptcy, recession, racism, churches, and many other topics.

About the Author

The author believed God has empowered the foolish thing from the bottom of Liberia, West Africa to write this book. Tenneh was born in the village and raised by her native parent in the village. She is educated by Jesus Christ. She thinks this book was the reason God brought her to America. She does not think God brought her to America just to eat and get fat. Tenneh lives in New Jersey.

This book came to her when God saw her hurts and pains for other people. She has been trying to write about the hurts and injustice done to other people and also about slavery and the evil she sees going on in the world. Then the Lord God gave her more topics and vision to write. Especially when she read the Bible, God revealed many mysteries to her about which to write.

She hopes this book will help many people to get their lives back on track with God and for people to know that play time is over and God is in charge. Tenneh would like to extend her heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Almighty God for inspiring her to write this book. Tennah has 6 children and 5 grandchildren.

(2012, paperback, 52 pages)


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