The Last Plantation

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Product Overview

The Last Plantation

By: Betty Lane Maddox

About the Book

Betty Lane Maddox was born to Melvin and Robert Duncan Walls in Hollandale, Mississippi. Both of her parents are now deceased. She is the second of twelve children: Rose Smith, Melvin Walls Jr. (deceased), Maxine Walls, Linda Park, Joyce Walls, Rosie Adams, Raymond Walls, Lester Walls, Billy Walls, Sheila Turnipseed, and Lisa Wells.

Time was hard when Maddox was young. She grew up on many plantation chopping and picking cotton for the white plantation owners. You never got ahead. At the end of the year, her father had no money coming in because it was all spent on food, a pair of shoes for school from the boss man’s store, and for the shack they lived in. It was years before Maddox even knew what money was and looked like.

Maddox has gone through so much in her life. She has been married to a beautiful man for twenty-five years. She is saved by God’s grace and a member of The Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Rev. Tyran T. Laws in Chicago, Illinois.

Maddox made history when she worked the 2012 re-election campaign of President Obama. She helped make the re-election of the first black president happen. Maddox has come a long way from a sharecropper’s daughter.


(2018, Paperback, 34 pages)

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