A Page Turns Twelve and Comes of Age

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ISBN: 978-0-8059-9169-7
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Product Overview

by E. Dawne Lyrrek Just when you thought it was safe to serve delicacies to His Royal Highness A Page Turns Twelve and Comes of Age illustrates the importance of having a sense of humor, but maybe even more so, the importance of knowing where to draw the line. Has the king crossed the line? Thats debatable, but his ultimate appreciation for his young subject becomes crystal-clear in the end. In December of 2003, a heavy rainstorm forced the author to find shelter in an Amsterdam caf. Six hundred ninety monosyllables later, this work was completed. To this day, the rain has never stopped over there! ABOUT THE AUTHOR E. Dawne Lyrrek is an eccentric world traveler, avid equestrian, and lover of life. She has a passion for all things cultural: art, literature, music, and especially sports (of all kinds), where she acts as participant, spectator, and gambler. She will seize any opportunity to perform stand-up comedy, recite poetry, or perform musically. She has just completed her first album, with two more in the works. Her website (www.underthecounterculture.com) is a forum for her poetry, comedy, and social commentary. To relax, she enjoys a fine cigar over an intense game of chess. (2006, paperback, 34 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


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