A Thought Tickled My Mind

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ISBN: 978-0-8059-9448-3
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Product Overview

by Barbara J. Wingate Attitude is everything in life. Facing challenges and negative experiences sometimes leads to a negative attitude; however, positive lessons can come from negative experiences. As Barbara J. Wingate awoke one morning, she realized that her negative experiences in life were affecting her attitude and keeping her from finding true happiness and success. Miss Wingate began to reflect on these dilemmas through writing poems. These real-life expressions were inspirational to her. They helped her realize that true happiness and success lie within, and something positive can come out of something negative. Its all in the attitude. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Barbara J. Wingate was born and raised in Hartsville, South Carolina. Graduating with honors from Butler High School in 1982, she decided to pursue a college education. As a presidential scholar, she received her bachelor of arts in social studies from Morris College in 1986. Her intrinsic motivation, hard work, and willingness to help others contributed to her receiving one of the 1997 Outstanding Young Women of America Awards. Her passion for education prompted her to complete graduate studies at Francis Marion University, the College of Charleston, the Citadel, and Columbia International University. In 2001, she received her master of arts in teaching from Columbia International University. (2004, paperback, 34 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days. Currently, Barbara is a second grade teacher living in Columbia, South Carolina.


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