Alpha Equals Omega: The Proportionality Between Order and Disorder and the Reality of Perpetual Energy and Time Travel

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Alpha Equals Omega: The Proportionality Between Order and Disorder and the Reality of Perpetual
By Evan Olsen

This book is a continuation where the last book left off: Alpha Equal Omega: Time as a Cyclic Oscillation and the New Principle of Inertia, which shows the algebraic proof for the rectilinear motion or inertial system of reference is the same for the winding number.. It also reformulates our theory on exactly what a strange attractor is: a system of proportionality! It also gives various experimental proof for alpha equals omega and uses the theory of the vacuum energy to show that the new configuration for space time of the torus is, in fact, in agreement with quantum field theory and relativity leading to time travel, perpetual energy, and interstellar travel.

About the Author

Evan Olsen is at the end of a second degree BS.c in physics and has a BS.c Bachelors of science. He has been interested in physics ever since he was a kid. He came up with the idea of Harmony Theory when he was in his first degree in biochemistry class. Evan Olsen enjoys martial arts, movies, running, and cross-country skiing. He is the eldest of two children and lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

(2010, paperback, 54 pages)


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