Chester's Escapades - eBook

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Product Overview

Chester’s Escapades

by Chet Willhite


Chet Willhite was born in 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married Judith, his high school sweetheart, in September 1968, and approximately five years later, relocated to Irving, Texas, on a business venture. Two children and eight years later living in the Dallas, Texas area’s surrounding cities, Mesquite and Garland Texas, Chet was promoted and was transferred to New Orleans, Louisiana, where the family spent the next three years.  Working long hours, Chet was missing all family functions, so the family decision was to move back to Missouri to make a home in Springfield. Forty some years later, it proved to be a great decision.

            Chet likes to spend his time now playing guitar and singing with The WoodShed Boys band, playing golf, and writing short stories.


(2022, eBook)


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