Come Fly with Me 1

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Come Fly with Me
by CW4 James R. Eakins, US Army, retired

This book is the story of the authors life, his adventures and travels as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army during the time when it all began. Helicopter companies were born during the end of the Korean conflict, survived the building years between wars, and became prominent during the Vietnam cluster-F. There has been a ton of material written about helicopters in Vietnam, but nothing has come out about those years in the fifties and sixties leading up to that Golden Age of helicopters.

This book covers the light and medium helicopter companies, which the author was flying with, and most of the aviation personnel actively involved in that history during the early years. There will soon be a supplement book that will cover all the other helicopter units and personnel that shared his air.

About the Author

The author served in the military of this country for almost a third of a centurythirty years. He was a pilot flying helicopters. He became a chief warrant officer, W-4, as high as you could go at that time, and a master Army aviator. After retirement from the Army, he worked as a controller in the Community Action Agency for fifteen years, retired again, and began working with his wife in their own income tax preparation business. Now he is over eighty years old and still advises his son, who has taken over the family business. He attends several aviation unit reunions every year and tells lies around the pool.

(2012, paperback, 896 pages)


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