Product Overview
Comprehensive Analysis on Human Sexuality
by Ralph Delos Santos Gonzales
This book mainly emphasizes the human distinction amongst all living things in the sexual subject. Basically just a union of 2 opposite genders in the reproductive aspect, humans literally shook the subject beyond that purpose. Section I addresses the instinctive animal part where humans share biological similarities to their counterparts. This section identifies the very heart of the human distinction: the gift of reason and intelligence. The author offers compelling evidence and explains here exactly what, how, and why. Section II is made up of two long chapters detailing the male and female differences. Yes, both are really worlds apart psychologically and physiologically. These chapters enable the reader to reconcile and fully understand his/her mate in all norms and absurdities. In Section III the reader will enhance his/her knowledge in the many distinct sexual behaviors manifested only by humans. Readers will find the different types, origins, thinking, and feelings of the many different sexual orientations as well as applications. Concluding this fantastic section is the compilation of human sexual misbehaviors and escapades. Happy Reading!
About the Author
Talk about coverage and polarity the author encompasses extremities of human behavioral dispositions. He is very private and solitary, whilst at the same time he is the very public guy whom everybody knows and rubs shoulder with. A friend and an adviser to most, the author is also an athlete as a former bodybuilder/powerlifter, martial artist, and pool expert. He worked as a school administrator and strength coach, and the author was once a licensed pilot as well. Currently serving in the financial sector, the author is, as always, a dedicated family man. He shares the same positive views as other pro-life individuals, believing that life is a gift and in itself is the very purpose of living. The author's first literary work is the theory called Kinetics of Human Reason.
(2011, paperback, 128 pages)
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