Product Overview
Daisy Goes to the County Fair
by Erica Peterson
with photographs by Paula Peterson and Peggy Brown
Daisy goes to the County Fair is an exciting and educational journey one lamb makes around her farm and at the county fair. She gets to meet many exciting new animals as well as share facts about life on the farm on which she has grown up. Daisy is a lamb ready for new adventures.
About the Author
Erica Peterson is a junior in high school in Waverly, Nebraska. She is very involved with youth in her community and wants to make sure they are informed about agriculture. She feels it is important youth and adults understand what farming is about and what is involved with farming today. Erica plans to go to college and study agricultural journalism; she hopes to continue to be an advocate for agriculture. Daisy goes to the County Fair is her first book to promote agriculture.
(2011, paperback, 30 pages)
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