Diary of an African Fanatic

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Diary of an African Fanatic
by Ismail Dramundru Ali

Diary of an African Fanatic is a submission of the daily challenges and perils the African endures on a daily basis. From the quietness of rural African villages to the roaring madness of the bustling metropolis of the west, the life and condition of the African is examined with defiant scrutiny.

It is my ardent attempt to present the African view to the world and present ideas and thoughts to make it easier for Africans to grapple with the daily issues that engulf their lives.

The message of hope, perseverance, and resilience is imported into this work to make a case for an African renewal. This book is a triumphant call for Africans to embrace a spirituality that is rooted in its history, confident of the fact that the eternal belongs to all.

About the Author

In 1979, the Ugandan government was toppled and like millions of Ugandans, I had to flee the country because of the ensuing conflict. I found myself in exile and eventually lived in Pakistan for most of my childhood.

I returned to Uganda and continued my education, finishing the advanced level certificate. I traveled to Malaysia and obtained a bachelors degree in communications with a minor in Islamic studies. In 1999, I returned to Uganda and worked as a freelance journalist before moving to America to pursue a masters degree. I currently reside in Washington, D.C.

(2010, paperback, 106 pages)


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