Product Overview
Fantasy of Dreams: Volume 2
By: Ali Jawad
About the Book
This book is volume 2 of Fantasy of Dreams and continuation of fantasy of dreams volume 1, in this volume the world is divided into four main territories are Americatica, Europcatica , Asiacatica and Africatica , these four main territories were ruled and protected by great ruler named Gothdoris, the God of All the Technologies (GAT) or the Universal God and his Army of Freedom that consisted from Human, Humobotics (half human and half robots) and Robots from Xakarov, the God of Black Digits (GBD) or the Skeleton Demon and his Skeletons Robotics Army were trying to conquer Gothdoris’s four territories and because of that, a fierce and extensive constant battles sparked between Gothdoris (GAT) and Xakarov (GBD) and their armies that extend all over the world.
About the Author
Ali Jawad, born and raised in Iraq, gained a Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry from the University of Baghdad in Iraq at a young age. He was granted his special immigrant visa to travel to America for supporting the United States Army as a local translator in Iraq. Ali Jawad moved down to Florida and worked three different jobs at the same time with plans to work on his dental degree. Later on, he joined the United States Army, and served for a period of years with multiple combat tours, and got out honorably.
The life path was not that easy for him in the USA. He worked hard and continued to do so to establish a good living condition for his family from the ground; however his limitless dream, ambition, dedication, and love to help people, had him to continue to seek a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at Keiser University to further his medical and dental career.
His passion about writing fictional stories started in early childhood, however it grew when he joined the USA army. He has so far written 35 fictional books that are part of this second book and the number continues to grow, hoping one day all these books will be published so the readers will enjoy it.
(2023, paperback, 566 pages)
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