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by Narayan Jumnoodoo By writing Fate, I have tried to depict the social injustice that exists in nearly every country in the world. To some, life is a garden of flowers, while to others, it is not. Money is the only thing that counts for some people. They can do anything to achieve it. To others, money means little. They work hard, and they try to become good patriots. Fate takes place in Mauritius and shows social inequalities based especially on economic class. Charles, the protagonist of the work, finds out the woman he loves will not marry him because he is of a lower class than her. Because of this, Charles devotes himself to his studies at his university and eventually becomes a political leader. It is at this stage that the woman with whom he was in love comes to respect him and decides to come back into his life, but Charles, remaining loyal to his convictions, knows she loves his status and not him. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Narayan Jumnoodoo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Asseriah Jumnoodoo, was born at The Vale on 23 February, 1950. After his primary education at The Vale government school, he pursued his secondary studies at Friendship College and Cosmopolitan College, Plaine des Papayes, Mauritius. Then he flew to England. He passed his GCE A levels in 1972 at North-West Kent College of Technology in Dartford, United Kingdom. Narayan Jumnoodoo is not only a writer, but he also holds a diploma in television production from London Film and Television Academy and a diploma in journalism from Ecole Franaise de la Rdaction in France. (2007, paperback, 50 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.