Finding Deeper Faith

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Product Overview

Finding Deeper Faith

By: Janet Smith

About the Book

Sooner or later, sometime in your life you will endure pain and disappointment. Author Janet Smith believes that finding your deep Faith and giving it all to God will get you through. She says that Faith is not only a word or a belief and it is more than a feeling. Through the pain and disappointments of life, finding Faith at your lowest moments can put you back up on top of your life.

In Finding Deeper Faith, the author explains that, though dreams can be lost and life is full of disappointment and pain, finding your scripture can carry you through. After Smith’s twenty plus years of cancer, chemo, doctors, surgeries, and life’s lows, she believes that God will carry you through if you only have Faith. She is thankful for doctors who love their practice and who do research on new treatments, the doctors who listen to your complaints and feelings and want the same outcome as you. 

The reader will find how Smith’s doctors, family, and Faith turned her life around and gave her the feeling that God will carry her on, leading the way forward.


About the Author

Janet Smith lives in a small town outside Indianapolis, Indiana, with her husband, Steve, and two mischievous fur babies. They raised their two children, Stephanie and Jason, there in the country. 

Smith is a grandmother of seven grandchildren who keep her going and she loves their visits. She continues to substitute teach at the local schools and loves being around children of all ages.


(2019, Paperback, 32 pages)

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  • 5
    Finding Deeper Faith by Janet Smith

    Posted by Connie Bruner on Mar 13th 2019

    This book kept my attention from front to back. It was very well written and is proof what believing in the Lord can do for you. She is a prime example of what miracles can happen with faith. God bless her always.

  • 5
    Great story.... love filled

    Posted by Kim on Feb 28th 2019

    This is an excellent story, a journey where God's presence is obvious!