God's Plan for Me: Becoming Sons and Daughters of God

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God's Plan for Me: Becoming Sons and Daughters of God
by Valeria Franklin

In this spiritual work, Valeria Franklin expresses her thoughts on the true meaning of being a son or daughter of God. Franklin believes spiritual maturity is not defined by age. One can only attain this state through a strong relationship with God and his word. In God's Plan for Me: Becoming Sons and Daughters of God, Franklin uses scripture to describe a plan for salvation. She emphasizes applying Gods word in daily life to overcome temptation.

As Franklin states, showing honor, reverence, devotion, and respect is not just reserved for Sundays. It should be a way of life.

About the Author

Valeria Franklin was called to Ministry on Sept. 18, 1996. Though she suffered many setbacks over the years, including separation, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and becoming homeless, she remained strong, never compromising her love for God. And one day, while volunteering to clean at her church, she was presented with the opportunity to start her own business, Touch of Anointing Janitorial, which was the beginning of Gods restoring grace.

She believes her journey has helped her build determination, endurance, integrity, contentment, and above all, confidence in God.

(2009, paperback, 52 pages)


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