Hector Saves the Day

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Product Overview

Hector Saves the Day

By: Virginia Mohler

About the Book

Have you ever read a historical book or story and wondered about some unwritten details? Kindergarten children quite often bombard author Virginia Mohler with questions about little-known facts after she reads them a story. Hector Saves the Day is the answer to some of questions asked by her students.

Hector is a whimsical but very caring Hippopotamus who wants to help George Washington. The story relates historical facts about George Washington, his life, career, and his loss of teeth. Hector depends on the faithfulness of his good friend, Edgar the elephant, to carry out his last wishes. In this way, Hector saves George Washington’s life.

Virginia has told this story to her Kindergarten class for years. Now you can enjoy this beloved tale of Hector and his selfless gift to George Washington


About the Author

Author Virginia Mohler discovered her passion for teaching even before her college graduation. She has taught students from Kindergarten through High School, but she found her love in the Kindergarten classroom.

Virginia attended colleges in both Kentucky and Indiana where she received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She began her teaching career in Ohio, but moved to Arizona shortly after marrying her childhood sweetheart, Jess Mohler. She continued her education in Arizona where she received endorsements in both Early Childhood Education and SEI. Virginia often tells new teachers that “teaching is the hardest job you will ever love.”

Virginia is presently a Kindergarten teacher at Vista Grove Preparatory Academy in Mesa, Arizona.


(2019, Paperback, 32 pages)

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