How NOT to Play Golf: Recognizing and Avoiding Most Common Golfing Errors

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How NOT to Play Golf: Recognizing and Avoiding Most Common Golfing Errors
by Dr. Richard B. Merlo

Richard Merlos How NOT to Play Golf: Recognizing and Avoiding Most Common Golfing Errors is designed to provide golfers with a quick reference. Merlo writes that formal instruction is probably the quickest way to learn good golf. This manual is intended to supplement, not to replace, instruction from your local golf professionals. Practice is also important to maintain and improve ones game. Merlo provides plenty of space for the reader to take notes during practice.

Merlos tips focus on how to properly hit the ball. True to his title, Merlo begins by stating the problem and then what caused it. By teaching a golfer how they are playing wrong, Merlo gives them a chance to correct their mistakes. For each tip, Merlo includes illustrations to help the reader visualize the process. In the final tip, Merlo discusses where to hit the ball. The illustrations help the reader check his own swing with what he should be doing.

By explaining how these mistakes contribute to poor play and by including illustrations, Merlo gives simple steps on how to improve play.

About the Author

Richard B. Merlo is a resident of North Carolina. When asked what inspired him to write this book, he said, I retired from radiology in 2002 and planned to excel at golf, only to find that its not as easy as it looks! This begged the question, What am I doing wrong?

(2010, paperback, 32 pages)


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