Product Overview
by dj thacker Sometimes, all you need to do is reach out. Thats the lesson learned by Sara, a divorced middle-aged woman whose daughter and grandchildren have moved far away. Sara becomes involved with a home for unwanted children, and thats where she meets Holly, who does not speak as a result of a traumatic experience in her young life. Sara and Holly enrich each others lives and the lives of those around them in this inspiring story that makes us realize we are never alone. ABOUT THE AUTHOR A happily married mother and grandmother, dj thacker is a semi-retired accountant who writes for enjoyment. Her hobbies include reading, computers, grandchildren, gardening, fishing, and people-watching. I Love You, Too, Sara is her first work to appear in print. (2005, paperback, 40 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.