Is Not Enough to Say…I Love You

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Is Not Enough to SayI Love You
by Maria Stan

Can somebody tell me that wasnt love between us? What couple talk for hours and even not for so long, who talk so tender, joke, or look to each other, and dont feel love? If Antonios and Lilis passion for each other couldnt resist to continue their relationship, we survived even though we were near to lose all what we gathered. The only thing we have to pass is one final test: Will we be together as we wished? This only God could know, and we just have to wait a little to find out the result.

About the Author

My name is Maria Stan. I am thirty-six years old. I live in Buzau, a town in South-East Romania. I come from an emigrant family who came after the war from Moldavia, and I grew up in the middle of artistic environment with my mother, two brothers, and one sister. My grandmother and my mother were painters. I started to paint from childhood and after I finished the high school, I worked in a studio. From thirteen years old, I started to write poems, plays, and novels. My desire is to share experience, from real facts to things everyone loves to read.

(2010, paperback, 254 pages)


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