Product Overview
by Lennox A. Tracey As we journey through life, we sometimes encounter social adverse situations that have made some of us stronger, and some have succumbed to their dilemmas, thus drowning themselves in sorrow. The vision of hope has become the guiding light in the lives of many. The compilation of poems in this book unravels social issues that have adversely crippled the state of being of many people today. There is also a depiction of divine intervention, reminding us that there is an infinite entity that rules. This book is intended to become the voice of hope and an instrument used to expound on the realities of life. The title reflects social issues in different ways. It expresses concerns of people who have been affected at some point in their lives. Even in the midst of their tiresome trials and tribulations, there is still a voice echoing the sound of hope and love. ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author is an African born in Jamaica. As a young man, he was always intrigued by the eloquence and depth of good poetic thoughts. His commitment to the craft of poetry writing has been influenced by the social discrepancies of life that have affected the lives of people. Mr. Tracey strongly embraces the philosophical thought that if we rid ourselves of class stratification and racial issues, our state of being would allow us to rebuild a society of equality. He left Jamaica in 1980 to reside in the United States of America. He is a graduate of Mico Teachers College Jamaica, West Indies, and Nova Southeastern University, Florida. He holds a bachelor of science degree and a masters degree in education and is presently a school teacher who is very committed and dedicated to his profession. (2006, paperback, 32 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.