More Love, Poetry, Prose and the Facts of Life

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More Love, Poetry, Prose and the Facts of Life
by Hubert C. Jackson

As was the case with the book the preceded this one, Love, Poetry, Prose and the Facts of Life, this book continues to chronicle my journey through life and brings to light some of the good times, as well as some of the not-so-good times, I have experienced in the more than half-century of living with which I have been blessed. It once again speaks of some missteps I have taken in growing and maturing, but I can truthfully say I have learned and profited from these missteps. It speaks of lost love and the pain I have caused, as well as the pain I have endured because of some loveall part of the life we live.

In assembling these poems, it has allowed me a brief look back at some of the treasured events that have shaped my life thus far and provides me with the hindsight, which is always 20/20, to make wise investments with the remaining time with which I will be blessed in this life.

About the Author

Life for me has been the usual rollercoaster ride most of us experience in day-to-day living. Admittedly, some events have proven to be more heart-wrenching and catastrophic than others and required tremendously more recovery time, but I have come to believe totally in my God and his desire to see me succeed in my ability to adapt and overcome those obstacles that appear out of nowhere and, with ruthless efficiency, proceed to attempt to derail our efforts to move ahead in life. As has been stated numerous times, if you can conceive it, you can achieve it. I refuse to limit myself in setting goals in my life, and once established, I refuse to be told that I cannot accomplish those goals until I have explored every conceivable avenue through which I can realize that achievement.

(2010, paperback, 44 pages)


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