No Secret So Dark, So Deadly

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No Secret So Dark, So Deadly
by Bennett M. Lifter

The story revolves around an organization by the name of PAL, which stands for Peoples Army of Liberation. This is an organization within the United States that is trying to take over the Federal Government for what they consider to be just and valid reasons. It is similar to a terrorist organization, except that it is acting within the country instead of by foreign individuals.

The main character in this book is Boyd. He is accused of committing a crime for which he was actually not responsible, but he accepted the punishment and was placed in prison with an important member of PAL.

This book recounts different situations he has to endure to gain the confidence of the leaders of PAL. He succeeds even though he had to lead the group in the robbery of a bank, which resulted in the death of several people, as well as participate in many atrocities to prove his loyalty to the organization and thus gain their complete confidence.

A happy ending follows when Boyd, after his many ordeals and life-threatening experiences, rejoins Myra to enjoy and celebrate the destruction and eradication of PAL.

About the Author

It should be noted that the actual writing of the book was by Robert Colby, who was chosen by Bennett M. Lifter to write the book based initially on a storyline that was furnished to Mr. Colby with the understanding and written agreement that Mr. Colby would undertake the assignment of producing the book on a basis where Colby and Lifter would equally share the proceeds from the sale of the book with Lifter bearing all the expenses to have the book published and brought to the market.

Unfortunately, Robert Colby died after completing the writing of the book and before arrangements had been made for the book to be published. Bennett Lifter has presently decided to proceed with the publishing of the book using the services of RoseDog Books with the understanding that whatever proceeds there are from the publishing of the book at the expense of Bennett Lifter should be divided, 50 percent to Colbys estate and 50 percent to Lifter, in accordance with the original contract entered into between Colby and Lifter mentioned above.

(2009, hardbound, 188 pages)


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