Product Overview
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Oh No You Don't! A Tale of Managing Workplace Bullies
by Hadyn Olsen
Hadyn Olsen is recognised as a leading New Zealand specialist in the field of workplace bullying and harassment. His research and work in this field started in 1997, after establishing a violence prevention agency with his wife, Liz, in Rotorua and becoming an accredited provider of programmes to the Department for Courts and Community Probation. He began running workshops in 1999 to raise the awareness of these issues and to assist workplaces to address them.
In 2002 Hadyn launched WAVE (Workplaces Against Violence in Employment), a nationally focused project under the Challenge Violence Trust. The vision was to create an awareness of violence issues in the workplace and assist employers to address them effectively. The formation and purpose of WAVE was welcomed by the Department of Labour and the Human Rights Commission. WAVE now operates in a stand-alone capacity.
Hadyns background and education is within the field of violence prevention and team-based management. He is skilled in facilitation, training, counseling, and mediation. His experience in team development, conflict management, group dynamics, and individual change processes give him a strong basis from which to work with people and organisations in crisis.
Hadyn has worked with over four hundred domestic and workplace bullies in the last ten years. He believes many of them can be reformed; however, his main focus is working with organisations providing solutions and facilitating change.
He has a diploma in facilitation and is completing a degree in organisational psychology.
(2010, paperbac, 144 pages)