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by Maureen Pereira
Perspectives is a collection of thoughts and insights that the author gathered during her work with children and youth of different ages. Similarities to the authors own growing up process inspired the penning of these observations.
In poetry form and incorporating easy language, it explores the bewilderment of a young person discovering life as she grows up, reality being the way she sees it. She asks questions but, like all of us in similar situations, has trouble finding the correct answers. This book seeks to identify with the frustration and helplessness experienced by many a young individual and to explore the effect ones actions can have on others. The reader will come to understand that the ones who manage to put things into proper perspective are able to make their way through life with dignity. The last poem in the book displays a grander philosophy of life that everyone ought to grasp to enable one to understand what life really is about.
About the Author
The author has been a keen observer of people since she was a child. As a teacher, educationist, and social volunteer working with children and youth for over ten years, she has been privy to their feelings on dealing with life. She has penned the observations garnered over the years in a variety of published essays and articles and in original play-scripts that have been performed in her home town. Her relationship with her sons has contributed much to her understanding of her role as mentor to children and youth. She is also passionate about music and painting. This is her first published work of poetry.
Maureen Pereira currently lives with her husband and two grown sons in Mumbai, India.
(2011, paperback, 46 pages)