Prescription Scriptures for Life's Daily Circumstances

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Prescription Scriptures for Life's Daily Circumstances
by Lawrence Williams

Prescription Scriptures for Lifes Daily Circumstances inspires and offers hope to those who face overwhelming critical situations in these times of unprecedented instability. What we have, most notably, is economic depression and recession, as well as sicknesses and diseases, failed governments, wars, attacks, and deterioration of the family and its values, along with many other daily circumstances of adversity that hold bondage over the average family.

Emphatically, the Bible tells us that humankind was created as flesh and spirit creatures in the image of God. Amazingly enough, when individuals are sick or physically hampered, generally we seek medical attention, consulting a doctor for diagnosis and a medical remedy. This book is to encourage as well as direct those who are devastated beyond rationalization that God, who knows about lifes struggles, already has a prescribed spiritual medication in the Scriptures for every diagnosis regarding lifes situations, no matter the degree, if you trust in his Son Jesus.

About the Author

Dr. Lawrence D. Williams, a native of Charlotte, N.C., worked in law enforcement as an officer and investigator for twenty-eight years, which certainly afforded him a wide range of experiences, from investigating common theft, rape, robbery, homicide, and other critical situations. He encountered all levels of people, from the rich to the very poor, well educated to the illiterate, the most hostile to the very humble. This gave him a tremendous foundation regarding people and lifes circumstances, which assisted greatly after his call to ministry. His career in law enforcement, illustrated that there was a critical need for the Word of God and the servants of God in the local community and the nation at large.

Dr.Williams holds undergraduate degrees in Law Enforcement and Theology and he has a Masters in Divinity and Doctorate in Ministry Degree from New Life Theological Seminary. With fourteen years in the ministry, Dr. Williams currently pastors Greater Deliverance Christian Fellowship Ministry Church.

(2011, paperback 114 pages)


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