Quarantini Time: Martini Recipes to Survive a Pandemic

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Quarantini Time: Martini Recipes to Survive a Pandemic

By:Christine Myers

About the Book

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world was asked to stay at home and quarantine themselves in order to keep safe and avoid overloading the health care system. In an effort to maintain sanity and create an opportunity to socialize with family and friends, Christine Myers established a virtual Quarantini Time. 

Quarantini Time is a collection of martini recipes created for a daily “five o’clock somewhere” happy hour. Recipes were created in the moment; photos were taken and recorded in the Myers’ daily journal. Often a recipe is paired with a musical selection for that hour. These recipes are not exotic but made with spirits, enhancers, and garnishes that are typically found in a home bar/cupboard…with a twist! No need to have bartending experience, as Myers has included recommended tools and ingredients to create amazing quarantinis. A quarantini is certainly one of life’s little pleasures that you can rely on to survive any pandemic, but also to enjoy in your new normal! Sit back, relax, virtually connect with family and friends while sipping your quarantini and listening to music.

About the Author

Christine Myers lives in the rural Upper Peninsula of Michigan with her husband Ric, their rescue cat Bailey, and their Chinese Crested Powder Puff dog, Loki. Myers enjoys being out in nature, hiking to waterfalls, gardening, and being crafty in many ways. Mostly, she enjoys entertaining at their log home, creating dishes and drinks often related to her travels to each of the fifty United States and all seven continents. Myers enjoys challenging herself with her creativity and making unique items especially for others. This book has offered her an opportunity to share with others a fun way to maintain connections combining creativity and entertainment for others. This girl just wants to have fun!

(2022, paperback, 52 pages)           

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  • 4
    Been free from pandemics.

    Posted by SHADRACH ELIJAH on Feb 11th 2024

    Not so much now. At first with the endless gray winter days. No sun, but cold, wind, or snow. You feel as if you were somehow awakened during your hibernation. All I wanted to do is sleep, eat-comfort-think not healthy-watch movies. The whole time bundled up against the cold. I did in fact at times forget what the date was and rarely what day it was. So glad warm weather and sunlight is here. I do not feel so static. So perhaps Time warp is not the word I would use. Then I'll start to read quarantini time. This book has been a great help to me and my family entirely. Due to its quality of legal information on how to be free from pandemics. I really love this book. It's easy to read and we'll understand. To be free from pandemics is something else we all need. But life happens that sometimes we do miss what we have to get done, this book explains freely everything else you need. I recommend this book with four stars for making my day sweet and happy.