Stories of Sirruwe (A Collection of Short Stories)

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Stories of Sirruwe (A Collection of Short Stories)
by Jocelyn Dellota

While growing up in an island country, I was fortunate to ride small and big airplanes as means of transport. Even then, I dreamed of learning how to fly a plane.

When I wrote my stories I realized it was like flying; my words can defy borders and can transform the reader's imaging beyond and above ordinary events.

The word Sirruwe is coined after Sirius, the brightest star in the galaxy, and Si Yue, the Chinese word for moon.

About the Author

Jocelyn S. Dellota has found many inspiring events for writing her stories while in a health care career. At first she wanted to be an inspiration writer, but later decided that fictional short stories are more entertaining.

Jocelyn likes traveling and has visited many cities around the world. She loves dogs and wants to be a successful orchid grower.

In her youth, Jocelyn wished to learn how to fly a plane. Her new wish is to someday own a flower shop where the earth meets the moon and the brightest star at night.

Jocelyn lives in the Midwest region.

(2012, paperback, 42 pages)


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