Teaching Outside the Box Instead of to the Test

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Teaching Outside the Box Instead of to the Test
by Lois Mary Fuhrman Bryant

A teacher for more than 40 years, Lois Mary Fuhrman Bryant wrote Teaching Outside the Box Instead of to the Test in response to changes she saw in the classroom after the advent of No Child Left Behind testing.

Bryant began to worry that the learning experience would be negatively impacted by this new policy, and her fears were realized when she heard a school principal say, A teacher would be a fool not to teach to the test!

Teaching Outside the Box Instead of to the Test acknowledges the importance of creativity in the classroom and the importance of recognizing that each child has different strengths and weaknesses, not all of which can be measured by standardized testing.

About the Author

Lois Mary Fuhrman Bryant worked as an elementary school teacher, counselor, and principal from 1962 until her retirement in 2005. She lives with her husband in North Carolina, where she enjoys taking classes through Duke University. She also likes to spend time reading, gardening, and traveling.

(2011, paperback, 64 pages)


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