Product Overview
The Egyptians and The Black Mamba
by Sidney E. Poindexter
The Egyptians and The Black Mamba is the sequel to Mongoose-Girl VS. The Black Mamba. In the Mongoose-Girl books he got rid of all of the black mambas in Africa, but most of the deadly snakes were hiding out in Egypt. Mongoose-Girl was sent to jail after she had gotten rid of most of the snakes.
Now the Egyptians are faced with the deadly black mamba. Egypt is now looking at a major problem because a superhero named Mongoose-Girl is in jail and has no bond.
About the AuthorSidney E. Poindexter is back on the scene, again. He published Cobrina and Mongoose-Ra back in 2000. Then in 2005 he published Mongoose-Girl VS. The Black Mamba. Now hes back with The Egyptians and The Black Mamba. He has many characters inside his new book: Christha, Gloria, Paulsha, Mongoose-Girl, and Roger.
(2012, paperback, 38 pages)