The Silent Generation… A Love Story

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The Silent Generation A Love Story
by Carolyn Teragawa

My book is the story of my life lived in a unique way and yet with many of the same values and experiences shared by others of my generation. A country girl becomes a professional nurse in the city and raises a multiracial family. This book also shares some history of previous generations of our family and their impact on us. The gift of sharing our stories in writing is for our children, grandchildren, and others who may see themselves in my story. We as a society and a world are changing so rapidly that we need time to reflect and be grounded before we can step out and soar.

About the Author

Carolyn Teragawa was raised in the Minnesota countryside, then migrated to college in the city of Minneapolis, where she lived for forty years while raising a multiracial family, including an international adoption, with her husband, Gerry. She was a working mother RN who continued her education as an adult learner earning a BSPA degree in 1991. This book is her first, though it is often referred to as thats one for the book in her busy and often challenging life. She coped with an MS diagnosis at age forty-nine and is also a breast cancer survivor. Carolyn and Gerry are now retired up north at the lake, where they are now experiencing being the sandwich generation.

(2009, paperback, 70 pages)


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