Untimely Poetry - Invaded Reflections (A Poe-Philosophic and Aphoristic Prose) and a Little Book of Narratives

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ISBN: 978-0-8059-7967-1
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Product Overview

by Ibrahim Jaffar This writing is unique, untimely, and creative. With its free-flowing style, it constitutes an unusual narration that is very refreshing and qualitatively reflexive of the authors subjective philosophies, existential stand, and allegiances. Though it lays out no claims to transforming literatures character and/or genre, this collection remains successful in bringing about an individualized perspective on our often-preconceived attitudes, conditioned mental constructions, and viewpoints. Ibrahim Jaffars distinguished manner of writing is altogether blessed, gentle, quirky, and seemingly easy, though also characteristically poe-philosophic, particularly illuminative, controversially new, and intrinsically suggestive of debate and discourse. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ibrahim Jaffar is a Sudanese-British writer, academician, and translator. He has published several literary works and translations in a variety of Arabic and English newspapers, journals, and anthologies such as Al-Guds Al-Arabi, Plinth, A Passion for Poetry, and Just for You (United Press). Examples of his translations into Arabic are Clarice Toynes Heirs to Eternity and Greek Sophists & Existentialism, his masters degree research. Ibrahim completed Sarte on Self and Freedom in 1999, a Ph.D.s research (Wales-Swansea). He also self-published Khusobat Al-Gadasah (i.e., The Fecundity of Sacredness): Arabic prose poems (2004) and Pictorial Intimations: A Spirit of a Loving Woman (2004). (2008, paperback, 48 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


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