We Are In This Together!: Our Weaknesses Identified - eBook

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Product Overview

We Are in This together! Our Weaknesses Identified

By: Dr. Donald Salem


About the Book/Author

No one was supposed to know why or how. The scheme was brilliantly elaborate, prepared over the centuries.

It took decades of research for Dr. Donald Salem to gain the clarity one needs to move forward.  Being a Viet Nam veteran and studying/lecturing terrorism and antisemitism for over forty years gave him a perspective worth sharing.

Thousands of facts were glued together with a parable of ecological terror across the USA. 

From this came five very angry survivors. They share his enormous and impressive findings in a story form about the monster, TerVol.  But these facts are real and solid. 

It soon became a rollercoaster ride, revealing that our safety belt is our exceptionalism, tenacity, and values when the ride turns upside down. An additional safety belt is created by identifying our real allies.

We learn much in three volumes especially about TerVol. The first book is “We Are in This Together! Vol I”.

This volume, “We Are in This together! Our Weaknesses Identified”, brings us closer to making our own decisions guided by a vast amount of little-known information, clarity and reality.

The upcoming volume, “We Are in This Together! Do the Right Thing” moves us to solid action to save our society and to protect our children’s future.


(2020, eBook)


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