A Caregiver's Life and What You Should Know

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A Caregiver's Life and What You Should Know
by Sandra Mensonides

In this book, you can learn many key qualities to help you get the information assistance you need for healthcare and what you need to know, such as:

Documentation: What they did not teach us and how important it is to you;
Sexual Harassment on the Job: What you need to do and how to handle it;
State Requirements for Nursing Companies: How you should pick one and what the differences are in each one;
Abuse, Neglect, and Extortion: How to deal with it, who is at fault, and what they do not tell you;
Advance Directive and Living Wills: Who needs them and are they the same;
Power of Attorney: Who should you have as your power of attorney, and can you trust them to make the right decisions for you;
Insurance Companies and the Difference between Each One: Maybe you are getting the wrong one to help your illness or age;
Low-Income Housing: What and who can help you get into them;
Veterans Benefits: What they do not tell you, and what is actually available to you for serving our country;
Grants Available to You in the Community: Where do you go, and how do you get help;
Education Resource Assistant Programs (ERA): Where can you go to get help, and what information is there for you that they dont tell you; and
Non-profit Organizations: How can they help you, and what can you do to help them?

About the Author

I have made a huge difference and touched many lives with the patients I have cared for in the private part of my career. I worked privately and in facilities, helping the seniors of my community.

I opened Florida Advocacy Introduction to Healthcare (FAITH). I know I can help the whole community and share my knowledge with people of all ages so that I can help them with the information they need.

(2010, paperback, 200 pages)


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