You Know You Are Pregnant When…

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You Know You Are Pregnant When
by Kristen Cummiskey

My daughter was the one who inspired me to write You Know You Are Pregnant When.

Women go through so much when they are pregnant, and I thought it would be nice to have a book to poke fun at what we go through. Lets face itwe all need a laugh!

While I was pregnant, instead of crying, I had some laughs and wrote this book to bring a smile to some faces. I hope you enjoy it!

About the Author

I was born in Pine Bush, New York, on July 11, 1979. I received an associates degree in accounting in 2000. I have accomplished many things in my life, including college, sports, traveling, modeling, being an accountant, and my family, whom I absolutely adore!

My inspiration for writing is my daughter. When I was pregnant with her, I decided to write a comedy about the whole experience women go through. I hope to continue to make people laugh through future books.

(2010, paperback, 40 pages)


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