Product Overview
by Della D. Hebert and Stephanie B. DuPont There is another world out there, even though you try to close your eyes to it. Perhaps some of us are afraid of the unknownbut if we were, would we ever be born, get married, have children, or allow surgery? There is always something to fear. In this book, Della D. Hebert and Stephanie B. DuPont will show you what your eyes may see if you open your minds and hearts and realize there are angels among us. The authors show that angels exist. The photographs in this book, some digital and some on film, are real, not a hoax. Angels are not here to harm us, but to protect us and guide us through all the difficult times and all the heartache, and they even try to stop is from making the same mistakes time after time. Some may even send you messagesso listen to your heart. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ever since she was young, Stephanie B. DuPont can remember seeing, sensing, and on some occasions, even hearing the paranormal world. She was born with a veil over her head, and as she grew up in Louisiana, she has had several encounters with the other side. It seems every house she has lives in was haunted. Since childhood, things have gotten even stronger. Ms. DuPont was married for thirty-two years and raised six children; she now has thirteen beautiful grandchildren. Della D. Hebert grew up in Louisianas Avoyelles Parish. She comes from a poor family and knows what hard times are. She has always been fascinated with UFOs, angels, heaven, and the afterlife, and started taking pictures to investigate the possibility. Her American Indian heritage has prompted her to learn about the practice of the shaman. She feels a need to show the world that there are answers to all of our questionsperhaps not here, but in the afterlife. She has been married to Lawrence for twenty-seven years and is fortunate to have a loving son. (2005, paperback, 112 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.