Assessing Business Health of Shared Services - eBook

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Product Overview

Assessing Business Health of Shared Services

By: Dr. Vipin K. Suri


About the Book

A business health check assessment of a Shared Services organization is important to determine if the service delivery organization is operating effectively and creating value for the company. The executives and other professionals can use this assessment to develop a step-by-step approach for assessing the effectiveness of their Shared Services organizations.

Assessing Business Health of Shared Services focuses on the issues that impact decision-making and action planning regarding service delivery management, customer relationships management, employee motivation management, business contribution management and change and quality management, as well as building and managing plans for improvement. The business health check assessment has been used by several companies to improve the effectiveness of their Shared Services organizations. The assessment of the Shared Services effectiveness is determined by a qualitative assessment of how well the management practices are deployed and how well the internal customer requirements are met at a point in time.

About the Author

Dr. Vipin K. Suri is the Managing Director of Shared Services International Inc, a management consulting firm focused on Shared Services design and implementation, as well as online and in-classroom training in the areas of Shared Services, Project Management, and Six Sigma.

He is also the Managing Director and Group CEO of SSI (Beijing), a management consulting firm in China. As a management consultant for over 21 years, Vipin has successfully assisted several companies in the Asia-Pacific Region, Australia, India, and North America with their efforts to implement Shared Services and to review effectiveness of their Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Finance, Information Technology, and other business support functions.


(2023, eBook)


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