Product Overview
Beyond Opposites
By: Frank Ruppert
About the Book
Beyond Opposites is an analysis of the malaise suffered by western civilization today. It fixes the blame upon the philosophy of rationalism. Rationalism denies the importance and even the existence of transcendence as a determinant of both reality and our knowledge of it. Author Frank Ruppert develops a philosophy in which reality consists of tensions between transcendence and immanence and our knowledge of those tensions includes an experience of transcendental attraction that has an impact upon problem solving.
About the Author
Frank Ruppert has written on the art of Franz Schubert as the artistic culmination of the post-Kantian response to the Enlightenment. His conviction is that this reaction has been overlooked with disastrous consequences for the West. Here, the philosophical foundation of this conviction is explored. Ruppert studied philosophy at Saint Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore and theology at the Gregorian University in Rome.
(2022, eBook)