Bliss Poetry: A Life Through Poetry - eBook

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Product Overview

Bliss Poetry: A Life Through Poetry

By: Robert Earl Bliss


Robert’s journey through his life has been one of overcoming hardship.

His poetry is of his life’s experience, the wealth of his hope, threaded like a string throughout the tapestry of his life, is present throughout his innumerable poems. His spirit sails within his poems like words that sing within the wind. 

The symphony of an exquisite Catskills Mountain sunset inspires his poetry and the expression of beauty within one’s soul. 

About the Author

Robert Earl Bliss is a patriot, a decorated Marine Corps, Vietnam veteran, poet, editor, photographer, and philanthropist.  

Bliss is known for sitting quietly outside with the view of the Catskill Mountains around him and his dog Maude beside him. 

His gaze, so affected by nature’s beauty, searches and writes from within the depths of himself. 


(2024, eBook)


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