Blocks of Faith

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Blocks of Faith
by Mary Margaret Wade Moore

Blocks of Faith is a charming, poignant memoir of a native African-American daughter growing up in the early 20th century South. The work chronicles her humble beginnings; migration to the North as a single, young woman, and her final return to her roots in the 21st century South. The author offers readers an educational and entertaining journey of human struggle, achievement, and triumphexperiences that only faith could make endurable and possible. Highlighting themes relating to identity, self-determination, and love, Moore posits faith as a means toward achieving a degree of peace and comprehension of ones life journey.

Written with warmth and honesty, Blocks of Faith contains both sad and hilarious true tales. Each entertaining chapter will inspire readers to think twice about the role of family, community, and faith in building ones life.

About the Author

Mary Margaret Wade Moorewife, grandmother, political activist, and octogenarianhas been an educator for more than fifty years. As former director of the Vernon Heights Day Care Center in Mount Vernon, New York, Moore oversaw the early childhood education of hundreds of toddlers and preschoolers. Under Moores leadership, Vernon Heights Day Care Center received the 1996 JOEY Award for excellence in early childhood education. Moore earned a Baccalaureate degree from Morris College in Sumter, South Carolina, in 2001 at age seventy-nine.

In addition to writing, Moore enjoys baking and practicing the piano. She and her husband, Jacoba retired Federal employee and educatorcurrently live in their native Sumter, South Carolina. The couple has three adult daughters and three grandchildren.

(2009, paperback, 74 pages)


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