Brian Grows Up

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Brian Grows Up
by Bernard Klein, Ph.D

Brian Kasowsky's parents were European immigrants seeking freedom from religious persecution. The story centers on the struggles between American born Jewish children and their Polish born parents who want to pass on the traditions of their faith. The tension of trying to keep a balance between love and independence is compounded by the escalating news of Hitler's rise to power, anti-Semitism, and America's involvement in World War II.

About the Author

Doctor Klein is a first generation American who was born in Brooklyn, New York. He moved to Los Angeles for his high school and college years. In California he taught elementary age students, at-risk teenagers, and adults. He was principal at a school for physically and mentally handicapped children and at schools for Hebrew and Jewish religious education. Later he worked in the Apollo program as a Human Factor's Engineer at North American Aviation. After earning his Ph.D. at age 59, he became an advisor to other Ph.D. candidates. He taught at Marylhurst College and Clark Community College. Upon retiring he published his first book, "The Educator Speaks. For many years he was a volunteer performer and singer with community musical theaters and choirs. Currently he lives in Vancouver, Washington with his wife Anese of almost sixty years.

(2013, Paperback, 94 pages)


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