Growing Up and Living in Hell

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Growing Up and Living in Hell
by Robert Messer

Hello folks my name is Robert Messer I have written this story to release one of my family secret. My family held a dark secret about a abuses father and he had a alcohol problem and the abuse we took from him. My story is about when our father would get drunk and he come home and start betting on us and your Mother. Some of these betting were bad and we was lucky to live thought them. Our family was very lucky that know one was killed and that we all lived thought them. Im telling my story because I hope that it will help someone that needs away out of been abused by a love one. And I hope that my book will keep awareness about abuse that we all dont want to see.

About the Author

I live in Gatlinburg Tennessee with my one of my sons now. I have two sons but my other son lives with his mother in North Carolina . I dont do that much in my life but my life is a happy one and it is filled with love as well. My son and my job keeps me going and even that Im a sick man today but I still make time for my family and every one else to. And I like to take long walks and play games and some times I just like go down and sit by the river. Well in my town I can just walk down town and theres something to do we have game rooms and shows in your town. And this is a town were I can have fun with my family.

I have not written any other books but what inspired me to write my story was when I go for my walks I would look at the people around me and I seen a lot of woman and kids been abuse by there love ones. And when I saw this then I remember what I went though grown up. And this is what inspire me to tell my story.

(2011, paperback, 64 pages)


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