Candlelight - eBook

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Product Overview


by William Lawton


About the Book

This book neatly, without stalling or over representation, reviews the wonder years of the author’s life. This review is in poetic terms and the poems also include a touch of sadness at getting older, but with the joy of romance always on a pedestal, without coercion or style. The poems herein denote discovering the opposite sex, as if it were a surprise birthday party, one that lasts a lifetime, and begins with one’s expectations of going home for Christmas. Not a landscape but a journey through life, the poems in this book do not discuss but rather sigh at love, its dreamy quality and dreamy delusions. Additional poems in this book, not related to the general theme are intended to entertain and amuse, with this artwork on the cover as a “filling note.”


About the Author

The poet writes by thinking of the English language as an ocean of semantics, incorporating the tides as a new burst of sounds or ignoring them altogether as a harbinger of sleepiness – until the awakening of an idea.

            Influenced by Irish poets, as well as Shakespeare and romantic poets, the author is also a fan of Celtic music and writes songs as a volunteer for a not-for-profit organization.

            A past time of the author is watching cumulus clouds to spy for images reminding him of paintings and other artworks. The author is capricious and friendly and feels that talent is luck and hard work. He has previously been published by the “Storyteller Anthology Magazine” in the January/February/March 2017 edition, and is currently studying art, songwriting, and poetry. The author is a poet from the archives of true love, adventure, and self-sacrifice who hails from the hills of upstate New York, born in 1959, the son of a Humanist father and a mother who was a schoolteacher. As an adult travel to England, Italy, and India brought a touch of agnosticism to the author who grew up religious.


(2022, eBook)


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