Challenging Life

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ISBN: 978-0-8059-8701-0
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Product Overview

by Bill Dixon Challenging Life is a story about two adventurers who traded all of the luxuries of the twentieth century for a remote, wild piece of land in Eastern Oregon. Elementary teachers, one from New York City and the other from an Iowa farm, pool their resources, give up their jobs and secure futures, and invest everything on a no refunds life on one hundred twenty unimproved acres in the mountains of Eastern Oregon. The story takes you from the adventure of their finding and purchasing the property through the learning process of barn and house building, designing and building bridges and hydroelectric power systems, and the challenges of animal husbandry. You will cry with these two novices and laugh at their trials, but in the end, you will understand how with hard work and an attitude of I can do this, by challenging life, we can all realize our dreams. ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author was born on a farm in the Midwest and moved to Colorado when he was eighteen. After a variety of jobs and a two-year stint in the Army, he completed his bachelor of science degree in education and began his career as an elementary school teacher in Littleton, Colorado. In 1980 he met Pam and found in her someone who shared his zest for the outdoors, and homesteading did not scare her. Together they make a team and have been challenging norms ever since. Today Bill writes and Pam does the house and bridge designing, still as a team. (2007, paperback, 142 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


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