Product Overview
by David Cornish, M.D. and Dianne Dukette, Ph.D. Evidence in Service is an evidence-based review of important health care service and satisfaction studies in the psychological and medical literature. It is intended for anyone who seeks to improve the way patients and purchasers view health care services. The authors wrote the book because, oddly, American health care rarely uses its own evidence-based research to better the service and patient satisfaction it delivers. The book seeks to introduce health care groups to the very large body of research on this topic. The book addresses a number of different health care service topics by using evidence for and against various approaches. The books major sections are Evidence-Based Dressing, Communication, Managing Patient Satisfaction, Empathy, Ethnicity, Information for Patients, Trust, Gender, and Miscellaneous. ABOUT THE AUTHORS David Cornish, MD, is a practicing internist/gastroenterologist with the nations largest medical group (The Permanente Medical Group). He obtained his medical degree at the Boston University School of Medicine and completed his fellowship in gastroenterology at the University of California, Davis. For over two decades, he has been the Chief of Medicine in Kaiser Permanentes California Central Valley Area, serving over two hundred seventy thousand members. He is the recipient of numerous awards for his service programs. Dr. Cornish has created and implemented a number of important regional and national health care service initiatives during his career. Dianne Dukette, PhD, obtained her degree from the University of California, San Diego, in experimental psychology. She did her post-doctoral fellowship in developmental cognitive neuroscience at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Dukette has worked as a researcher in Veteran Administration Medical Centers and is an instructor. Her training in behavioral research has enabled her to evaluate the many variables that affect the relationships between doctors and consumers. (2008, paperback, 192 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.