Excerpts From a Holy Life - eBook

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Product Overview

Excerpts From a Holy Life

By: Melody Henderson


About the Book

Little did she know what she was missing. She thought she was living a good and almost perfect life. She’d been deceived into thinking the one thing she lacked was a nice husband.

She self-appointed herself sovereign over her little kingdoms of her inner and outer lives. She focused on becoming more of what she could be in the world. She hoped to contribute in some way to making Earth a better place.

As a young adult, she wrote her own moral code and labeled herself agnostic, living with that designation for decades. She was her own God-substitute, full of self-reliance, self-confidence, and instilled with a fiercely competitive spirit. She trusted her own wisdom and natural gifts. She sought a glory that was not hers to have. (Do you, beloved?)

God had another plan. This is the story of His recognized activity in her life, of His mercies, and, ultimately, a radical conversion from that which is NOT into that which IS.


About the Author

Retired from a career in respiratory medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Melody Henderson finally wrote the book she longed to write. As a child, she always said she would be an "Arthur" when she grew up. Her parents smiled.

Now in her seventh decade of life, Henderson recognizes the importance of personal testimonies for Christians, especially Christian women, as God often speaks through others. In her earlier years, she referred to these moments as “God Winks,” and indeed, they are.

Henderson resides in Strawberry Grove in Gloucester, Massachusetts, with her husband, Curt, and their black lab, Anna, where God placed her eleven years ago.


(2021, eBook)


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